News, Events & More

Election Meeting on November 13, 2021

Posted: 10/14/2021
Dear USNA Gulf Coast Parents Club Members,
As announced in our September parent club meeting, nominations were opened for our 2021-2022 Parent Club offices (President, Vice president, Treasurer and Secretary). We also announced that the election of officers for would take place at our November 13, 2021 election meeting.
Members were asked to forward names to the nomination committee. We thank all of you who sent in nominations for each office. We did have multiple names for each office, but some of the nominees expressed interests in serving the club in a different capacity. The nominating committee will present the slate of officer nominees for a vote by the membership at the November 13, meeting. The meeting will at 11:30-1:30 at the Trini Mendenhall Community Center, 1414 Wirt Rd, Houston, TX 77055.
Nominations will also be accepted from the floor. Please check your email for the 2021-2022 Officers Slate.
Reminders you have to be a member in good standing ( paid dues) to vote. also if you have not attended a face to face meeting because you are not comfortable in doing so let us know and we find an alternative way for you to cast your vote.

35th Joint Service Academy Military Ball

Posted: 8/29/2021


On December 26, 2021 the Joint Service Academy Military Ball will be celebrating its 35th anniversary.  This year, the Military Ball will be hosted by the United States Naval Academy Parents’ Club of the Texas Gulf Coast. The Ball is a celebration to honor the commitment of the Midshipmen and Cadets of the five military academies from the Houston and surrounding areas.  

The military ball is an amazing formal event which honors and celebrates these impressive Texas men and women who have sworn an oath to serve this great nation through military service. This year’s ball will be held at Moody Gardens in Galveston, Texas and the theme is Always Remember; Stronger Together. We hope that you will join us in embodying this theme as we place the spotlight on the 20th anniversary of the tragedy of 9/11, our ability to gather after a year fighting Covid-19, and these students’ sacrifice and dedication to serving the United States. 

Questions about the JSAMB can be directed to Susanne Stafford at

RSVP to the 35th Joint Service Academy Military Ball